Zaha Hadid BMW Lipsia

A masterpiece of contemporary artOut of a total area of 208 ha on the works site, 290,000 m² have been built on so far. These are predominantly production halls and ancillary buildings built in the classic industrial style with the typical BMW façade. However, in the centre of the buildings between the great production halls stands a unique structure – the central building designed by London architect Zaha Hadid. This administration and communications centre combines a modern design with versatile functionality. The building links the production areas, providing a short cut from one to another, offering space for encounters and communication and allowing people to experience the production process at first hand. The spectacular design was the winner in a competition with 23 other entries – in the end the jury of experts in architecture and representatives of BMW voted unanimously for this design by Zaha Hadid and landscape architects Gross.Max of Edinburgh.
il complesso è stato inaugurato ufficialmente il 13 maggio 2005[
fonte] con maggiori informazioni (inclusa visita guidata)
galleria] di immagini