notizie di architettura
11 luglio 2005
  Jean Nouvel al Louisiana

7 June till 18 September 2005
Jean Nouvel is the most famous member of the generation that has been called the New Wave of French architects, all of whom participated in “Les Grands Projets” in Paris during the Mitterand era. Nouvel’s contribution, the Institut Monde Arabe, 1987, was one of these famous monuments; the Danish architect Johan Otto von Spreckelsen’s La Grande Arche, 1989, was another. After the construction of the Arab Institute Jean Nouvel became one of the most influential figures in the French ‘high-tech’ architectural movement. The exhibition Jean Nouvel – Louisiana Manifesto, curated by the architect himself, has been conceived as a manifesto of Nouvel’s thoughts and ideas about architecture. It has been created as a collaboration of Ateliers Jean Nouvel, the guest curator Jean-Louis Froment and Louisiana. The aim of the exhibition is to demonstrate the fundamental architectural principle of a strong dialogue with the spirit and specific character of a place that forms the point of departure for every Nouvel project. After several visits to Louisiana, which is itself very much rooted in the idea of the genius loci – the spirit of the place – in the setting of the museum Jean Nouvel visualizes the discovery and experience of the place as filmic sequences mixed with his own story.
[fonte] con maggiori informazioni
[Jean Nouvel's manifesto in pdf]

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