Frei Otto

Frei Otto - Leicht bauen, natürlich gestalten until 28.08.2005 Exhibition
In the second half of the 20th century no other German architect commanded the kind of international attention as Frei Otto. Already in 1954 his doctoral thesis »Das hängende Dach - The Hanging Ceiling« caused a commotion, after which he repeatedly continuously generated important impulses and ideas. His appeal in 1977 »Will you please stop building the way you have been ...« retains today the same urgency. He researched during his entire life in the area of lightweight construction, developing it scientifically, seeking possibilities of constructing roofs and outer shells with less use of material and energy. Frei Otto is a pioneer in the area of ecology, environmental compatibility and resource conservation - concepts that are presently very relevant.
fonte] con maggiori informazioni ma vedi anche il
sito dell’Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität München