

Giovanni Lussu: scritture
Le interessanti riflessioni di Giovanni Lussu* sulle diverse forme di scrittura: un pdf scaricabile (487 k) da altramurgia.it

* Nato a Roma nel 1944, grafico, socio fondatore di Jumblies s.r.l., società di produzioni multimediali, è docente, dalla sua istituzione nel 1993, del Corso di Laurea in Disegno industriale del Politecnico di Milano. Tra gli autori di Farsi un libro (Roma, 1990), dirige la collana "Scritture" (Stampa Alternativa & Graffiti / Nuovi Equilibri), nella quale nel 1999 ha pubblicato il suo La lettera uccide.


one thing only

Nel suo blog, Eric Spiekermann risponde a
Another big question:
What is the ONE thing you think every student of typography should know?
That you are designing not the black marks on the page, but the space in between.


tiresias: teletipo e oltre

A new font for digital Television subtitles
, spiega con britannico understatement il testo di presentazione del carattere Tiresias Screenfont, concepito per la visualizzazione a schermo (altre informazioni nella miniera degli archivi di SDZ).
In realtà, Tiresias è una famiglia di tipi per ipo-vedenti:

Tiresias Infofont - Information labels
Tiresias Keyfont - Control labels
Tiresias LPfont - Large print publications
Tiresias PCfont - Screen systems
Tiresias Screenfont - Television subtitling
Tiresias Signfont - Sign systems.


ci: identityworks

Identityworks di Tony Spaeth / Identity: “This site celebrates the use of corporate identity as a management tool, and credits corporate leaders and designers around the world for outstanding work” — segnalato da [AS8]!
Particolarmente interessanti le sezioni
(“Common identity tools: What it’s all about, and how it’s done. One approach to the components, process, and disciplines of identity work”) e
(“Discussion of identity issues: What makes a logo great? Are we running out of names? How can otherwise good leaders tolerate dysfunctional logos? etcetera. Ideas, thoughts, observations on a variety of identity issues”)
– non mancano pdf da scaricare (anche nella sottosezione Guidelines And Standards Manuals dei Tools) e Links utili.


evert bloemsma 1958-2005

Posted by Erik Spiekermann on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 - 9:28 am.

Evert Bloemsma 1958-2005

By historical standards, the FontFont library is a young library.
Most of the designers behind it were still at school when digital
type started to free type design and production from its industrial
constraints and the division of labour. Among those young designers,
Evert Bloemsma was one of oldest and most experienced. He digitized
his first typeface at URW in 1987, still on a big mainframe computer.
The FontFont library released all his idiosyncratic faces: FF Balance
(1993), FF Cocon (1998/2001), FF Avance (2000), FF Legato (2004). All
of Evert's work was concerned with finding new answers to the old
challenges of reading under various circumstances, in different media.
FF Legato has already been praised not only as his most mature design
to date, but also as a radical new way of designing the white space,
paying as much attention to counter shapes as to the black marks on
the page.

In his prime and at the height of his profession, Evert died suddenly
at his home in Arnhem, Netherlands on Friday, 22 April. His friends
and colleagues at FSI will miss him as a friend and as a contributor.
We all owe Evert a lot.

Jan Middendorp knew Evert well. He wrote this earlier today:

Of all the type designers I have known and have written about, Evert
had the most complex personality, and possibly the most original mind
and the weirdest sense of humour. He kept promising me, with his
characteristic mixture of boyish enthusiasm, solemn dedication and
self-mockery, that he would one day cover the entire distance between
his home in Arnhem and mine in Ghent on his reclining bike. I was sure
he'd make it, sooner or later ˆ he always carried out his plans,
although some took him ten years to complete. It fills me with grief,
wonder and anger that Evert, who was always advocating exercise and
healthy food, has now been taken away from us because of a heart

As a type designer, Evert was unorthodox, a true original. Each of his
four type families was the outcome of a highly personal investigation,
a challenge to himself. To others, he could be as demanding as his was
to himself; when criticizing his friends' typographic work, he was
brutally honest and always to the point. Yet he remained amazingly
modest, even insecure, about his own work, and deeply grateful to
those who would comment on the early versions of his typefaces and/or
test them in print. In spite of the single-mindedness with which he
worked on his type designs during those months of total concentration,
he was open to many other intellectual stimuli. He had worked as a
photographer of architecture ˆ constructing his own hand-operated
panoramic camera ˆ, interviewed the designers he admired (such as Wim
Crouwel and Hans Reichel) about their design philosophy, and lately
became fascinated by the work of Marshall McLuhan. His lectures and
articles, too, were evidence of his original ideas on form and on

It is a great loss indeed.

Erik, Joan & Petra for FontShop International

[ricevuto da Alessandro Segalini]


herbert w kapitzki

“Herbert W. Kapitzki , nato a Danzica nel 1925, è stato allievo del pittore Willi Baumeister, da cui ha ereditato la convinzione che la sfera d’intervento del designer nel campo della comunicazione visiva non possa essere ricondotta esclusivamente alle ‘belle arti’ ma, piuttosto, debba essere scientificamente organizzata. Chiamato ad insegnare alla Hochschule für Gestaltung di Ulm, vi rimase fino alla sua chiusura nel 1968, sviluppando la sua teoria sul rinnovamento della figura del designer, una professione quasi sconosciuta fino agli anni sessanta. L’attività professionale di Kapitzki si è rivolta principalmente al campo della visualizzazione delle informazioni, di cui è stato un pioniere, attraverso la realizzazione di sistemi pittografici e di codici visivi correlati con le nuove esigenze di spostamenti di massa della società”.

[dal sito SDZ, ove si può leggere il testo completo]


cms: content management systems

Il baldo GaTo segnala “cms* opensource per tutti: per tutte le esigenze, per tutti i gusti, di tutte fogge, tutti completamente e liberamente pastrocchiabili online, backend compreso!”
*cms = content management systems
qui trovate the world’s largest Open Source software development website


etichette per mangiare

“La difesa della salute dei consumatori, seppur mai abbastanza, comincia ad essere un principio che si sta affermando anche nella legislazione italiana, su sollecitazione europea. In quest’ottica si inseriscono le recenti normative sulla tracciabilità, oltreché sugli ingredienti, che devono apparire obbligatoriamente sulle confezioni dei prodotti alimentari.

Quello che ancora manca sono le specifiche grafiche con cui tali indicazioni devono apparire per essere efficacemente comprese dal pubblico […] La scelta di un sistema grafico per le informazioni nutrizionali, ma più in generale per tutto ciò che riguarda l'informazione al consumatore, si connota come una bella sfida per tutti coloro che si occupano di information design. L’errata progettazione della forma comporta, in questo caso, un’azzeramento del contenuto stesso dell’informazione. Un esercizio di studio perfetto per qualunque facoltà o scuola di design, ma soprattutto un campo di applicazione del design sociale […]”.

Il testo completo si legge nel sempre interessante SDZ.



Grazie all’impavido navigator cortese GT, FavIcon from Pics.

“What’s a Favicon? Favicon (short for Favorites Icon) is a feature that makes it possible to associate a special logo or other small graphic with a web page. The favicon is usually displayed next to the web site address. Much like the way shortcut icons are used on the computer desktop to distinguish computer programs and files, favicons can be used to personalize or brand your web sites.
What’s FavIcon from Pics? FavIcon from Pics is an online tool that can generate a favicon from a picture, logo or other graphic of any size/resolution. It was also the first online tool that simplified the creation of favicons using a regular image without requiring manual edits”.
Il sito www.chami.com che accoglie FavIcon from Pics è ricco di altri strumenti per htmllare e simili.
In [2004#03] ditelo con le lettere…, nello zibaldone, ho scritto qualcosa al proposito, semmai interessasse, se.



communimage is a collaborative art project since 1999.
Thousands of people have since then contributed to a growing sea of images. communimage is an attempt to entertain a visual global dialogue.
The visual interface of communimage is a grid system that defines exactly the position of each image (128x128 pixel), that has been uploaded”.


notepad invaders

Un gioco classico, online grazie a Rob Manuel: perché no?


les origines de l’imprimerie vénitienne

La nascita della stampa a Venezia, dal “maistro zuane de Spira, todescho” a Jenson e Ratdolt, fino a Manuzio, nel sito Typographia Historia.


tradition calligraphique arabe

Una documentata introduzione alla scrittura araba, nel sito Typographie & Civilisation.


the most famous poster

Originally published as the cover for the July 6, 1916, issue of “Leslie’s Weekly” with the title What Are You Doing for Preparedness? this portrait of Uncle Sam went on to become--according to its creator, James Montgomery Flagg--“the most famous poster in the world.” Over 4 million copies were printed between 1917 and 1918, as the United States entered World War I and began sending troops and matériel into war zones.
Flagg (1877-1960) contributed 46 works to support the war effort. He was a member of the first Civilian Preparedness Committee organized in New York in 1917 and chaired by Grosvenor Clarkson. He also served as a member of Charles Dana’s Committee of Pictorial Publicity, which was organized under the federal government’s Committee on Public Information, headed by George Creel.
Because of its overwhelming popularity, the image was later adapted for use in World War II. Upon presenting President Franklin Delano Roosevelt a copy of the poster, Flagg remarked that he had been his own model for Uncle Sam to save the modeling fee. Roosevelt was impressed and replied: “I congratulate you on your resourcefulness in saving model hire. Your method suggests Yankee forebears.”
Uncle Sam is one of the most popular personifications of the United States. However, the term Uncle Sam is of somewhat obscure derivation. Historical sources attribute the name to a meat packer who supplied meat to the army during the War of 1812--Samuel (Uncle Sam) Wilson (1766-1854). Uncle Sam Wilson was a man of great fairness, reliability, and honesty, who was devoted to his country--qualities now associated with “our” Uncle Sam.
[dal sito American Treasures of the Library of Congress]


grid systems

Una selezione di volumi internazionali sul tema della “griglia” come strumento di progettazione sistematica (facilmente reperibili tramite amazon e simili).

Grid Systems in Graphic Design

Raster Systeme Fur Die Visuele Gestaltung

Joseph Müller-Brockmann
Arthur Niggli 1996, 2001
Hardcover 176 pp
ISBN: 3721201450

Der typografische Raster

The Typographic Grid

Hans Rudolf Bosshard
Arthur Niggli 2001
Hardcover 197 pp
ISBN: 3721203402

The Designer and the Grid

Lucienne Roberts e Julia Thrift
RotoVision 2002
Hardcover 160 pp
ISBN: 2880466784
RotoVision 2005
Paperback 160 pp
ISBN: 2880468140

Making and Breaking the Grid: A Layout Design Workshop

Timothy Samara
Rockport Publishers Inc 2003
Hardcover 580 pp
ISBN: 1564968936
Rockport Publishers Inc 2005 (maggio)
Paperback 208 pages
ISBN: 1592531253

Grid Systems: Principles of Organizing Type

Kimberly Elam
Princeton Architectural Press 2004
Paperback 112 pp
ISBN: 1568984650


the world geo-graphic atlas 1953

Information Ecology: Bayer’s Book of Maps by Nate Burgos
One of the purposes of information design is to realize a vivid experience of content. Within the Atlas’ three hundred sixty-eight pages reside ‘one hundred twenty full-page maps of the world supported by one thousand two hundred diagrams, graphs, charts, symbols about the planet earth.’ The World Geo-Graphic Atlas is a demonstration of this challenge. Edited and designed by Austrian graphic designer Herbert Bayer between 1949 and 1952, and endorsed by industrial pioneer Walter Paepcke’s Container Corporation of America (Chicago), the World Geo-Graphic Atlas was released in 1953. Its debut came decades before the impact of desktop publishing on the design process and before the entry of the term information design into the evolving lexicon of visual communications”.


storia dei caratteri

Nel ricco a articolato sito storia della stampa e dell’editoria della prof. Maria Gioia Tavoni dell’università di Bologna, una efficace sintesi illustrata sulla evoluzione dei caratteri.



Toneguzzi Gabriele mi scrive: “Depliants Citröen 1955-74, alcuni carini, alcuni meno, pur sempre interessanti – i primi in ispecie” e io segnalo, per la pubblica utilità.


wolfgang weingart

Wolfgang Weingart: Making the Young Generation Nuts – un’intervista recente di Steven Heller nel sito di Voice, il Journal Aiga; stesso sito, stesso soggetto Weingart: A Craftsman to the Core.
(Segnalato da GT, come avete fatto a capirlo?)


strassen ch

Tutti i segnali stradali dell’elvetica confederazione scaricabili (in formato eps e wmf); segnalato dall’infaticabile GaTon!
Segnalazioni affini: highway markers e tipografia (auto)stradale. Bye!


public lettering: bombay

Ancora sulle lettere urbane esposte: “TyPoCiTy is a project that documents rare and interesting instances of typography in public spaces of Bombay. These typefaces are then examined and categorised from the point of view of graphic design and social significance”. Nel frattempo, Bombay ha cambiato nome; ma non è poi così grave.



Uno sito da non perdere: il duo dinamico LettError “consists of Just van Rossum and Erik van Blokland. They work separately together from their studios in The Hague and Haarlem, The Netherlands”. Segnalazione del G(entile)abriel Toneguzzi ancora, che suggerisce di frequentarne la pagina TTX -- From TrueType to XML and Back: “ TTX decompiles TrueType and OpenType fonts to an XML-based text format (also called TTX) and back, enabling you to edit fonts with a plain text editor. Currently, TTX supports all of the core TrueType tables, the CFF table, the OpenType Layout tables, a few Windows-specific tables, and additionally the VTT (Visual TrueType) private tables, which contain the source code of the instructions. How much? TTX is free. It is copyrighted, but it's distributed as open source, meaning anyone can access the source code and make alterations”. Da parte mia, aggiungo (ma val la pena di scorazzare bene nel sito) Free Fonts from LettError: “What? Free fonts from LettError? Free as in beer, these fonts are just fun to play with but not serious enough to put them up for sale. Hey, you might even like them: The Printed and Written Words”.




Good design makes choices clear: 230 poster (scaricabili) per la campagna Get out the vote 2004.

“1 . Trust is based on communication — 2 . Information design is the discipline of making the complex clear — 3 . Effective information design involves designing a citizen’s experience with the government”: i principi su cui si fonda Design for Democracy e, in particolare, il contributo dell’Aiga all’Election Design.


public lettering: montreal

Tornando sulle scritture urbane esposte, argomento di archigrafia: londra e praga e di public lettering: chicago, Alberto Mattiello segnala il caso Mistral/Montreal, tema del saggio Excoffon’s Autograph, pubblicato nel Winter 2004 Issue di Eye: The International Review of Graphic Design, una delle migliori (e più care) riviste di grafica internazionali. Per una panoramica immediata, si può curiosare la ricca galleria (85 immagini) sull’uso (e l’abuso) del Mistral nella città franco-canadese che si trova in Critical Pixels, assieme a Excoffon’s Others: Nord, Choc, Banco (55 immagini), sempre a Montreal.



“Fudge is a software engine for manipulating TrueType and OpenType fonts in an actionscript environment. It is built around an expandable structure allowing custom effects and alternative inputs to create new fonts with programming. Currently in beta stages, the fudge engine is designed as a backbone for various interactive exhibits and electronic arts productions. Using almost any input, fudge allows users to interact with a typeface in unusual ways to produce a working font. Fudge is also a standalone application for Windows 98SE, ME, NT, 2000, XP” – segnalatomi da Gabriele Toneguzzi, merci!



Il mese di aprile dal libro delle ore più famoso: Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry.