
Dal sito del teutonico Office for Newspaper Design:
“Newspaper reading behaviour can be recorded. The reader can move about freely and can also bring the newspaper into a comfortable position for reading. The fixation pauses can be recorded and one can find out precisely which parts of the paper have been read and which not.
In my work as newspaper designer I keep being confronted with questions which can only be partially answered. What is particularly unclear to date is how in fact the reader actually uses the newspaper. Does he follow the paths I, as designer, would like to trace for him, or does the reader find his own unconventional way which cannot be determined in advance? The recording of Visual Reading Activity project was carried out by me in order to attain firm established facts. The Video (56k Modem – DSL Modem) shows a two-minute-example of the reading process. The pdf-file contains the results of this eyetrack-study, which was done in 1989”.
Viel Danke!
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