piatto ricco…
1 . [font] Newspaper, LIBERTÀ
After 56 years using the apostrophe instead the grave accent for the heading of the newspaper of my hometown - Piacenza - the director of Libertà, after a letter I sent, restored the right grave-A.
pdf : [1 page, 448 kb]
jpg : [108 kb]
Newspaper : LibertàOnLine (Piacenza, Italy)
Frontpage, 29.10.05
2 . [gallery] GD1-Workshop 4. Writing With Images
So it’s over. One of the great – as in all-time great – design publications has come to a close. Issue 69 of Emigre will be the last. Emigre, the type foundry will live on, but founder, editor and designer Rudy VanderLans has commissioned his last article, conducted and transcribed his last interview, and composed his final message to his readers.
Rick Poynor
6 . [game] If I Ruled Design
7 . [infographic] Phylotaxis
Phylotaxis , courtesy of Jonathan Harris.
8 . quote #42 Cogito, Ergo Sum.
René Descartes (1596-1650)
Translated in the past as “I think, therefore I am”, but more recently and accurately “I am thinking, therefore I exist”, is possibly the single best-known philosophical statement.
Also translated for the FB building 2nd floor toilet design.
9 . [workshop] "Good times", Florence, Italy
Good times
Create a temporary 3 dimensional piece of typography, only lasting for a pre-defined moment.
This workshop will be part of the Beyond Media Festival 05.

Tutta la ricca e godibile serie di segnalazioni odierne mi è giunta (ormai da tempo…) da parte di Alessandro Segalini, che ringrazio sentitamente.
After 56 years using the apostrophe instead the grave accent for the heading of the newspaper of my hometown - Piacenza - the director of Libertà, after a letter I sent, restored the right grave-A.
pdf : [1 page, 448 kb]
jpg : [108 kb]
Newspaper : LibertàOnLine (Piacenza, Italy)
Frontpage, 29.10.05
2 . [gallery] GD1-Workshop 4. Writing With Images
3 . [gallery] Vox 13 classwork
4 . [pdf] Infographic, the handout is on-line at linkography-ID
5 . Emigre, An EndingSo it’s over. One of the great – as in all-time great – design publications has come to a close. Issue 69 of Emigre will be the last. Emigre, the type foundry will live on, but founder, editor and designer Rudy VanderLans has commissioned his last article, conducted and transcribed his last interview, and composed his final message to his readers.
Rick Poynor
6 . [game] If I Ruled Design
7 . [infographic] Phylotaxis
Phylotaxis , courtesy of Jonathan Harris.
8 . quote #42 Cogito, Ergo Sum.
René Descartes (1596-1650)
Translated in the past as “I think, therefore I am”, but more recently and accurately “I am thinking, therefore I exist”, is possibly the single best-known philosophical statement.
Also translated for the FB building 2nd floor toilet design.
9 . [workshop] "Good times", Florence, Italy
Good times
Create a temporary 3 dimensional piece of typography, only lasting for a pre-defined moment.
This workshop will be part of the Beyond Media Festival 05.

Tutta la ricca e godibile serie di segnalazioni odierne mi è giunta (ormai da tempo…) da parte di Alessandro Segalini, che ringrazio sentitamente.
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