Premessa: solo oggi (dal 5 us) Telecom mi ha riconnesso (comunque, anche se flat, max speed 16800).
Sviluppo: continuo impavido (in fondo, è una specie di viaggio nel tempo, come tornare a una decina d’anni fa).
Conclusione: questo maHKU mi pare interessante, in particolare il Master in Editorial Design.

If, as Gui Bonsiepe holds, all design is at root interface design, then all design is editorial. For, what is more editorial than turning disparate data into meaningful information, which is what an interface should achieve? In connecting these two terms, editing and interfacing, we define the bias of the pathway Editorial Design as an interdisciplinary course concerned with structuring information for publication media.
In general terms, 'editorial design' is the craft of organizing complex aggregates of information into a meaningful and accessible totality, balancing function (the interface aspect) and aesthetics (the expressive aspect).
The MAHKU programme in Editorial Design offers BA Design graduates a Master course, which provides tools to operate in a professional and critic way. The one year fulltime study is an intensive period where research, action and reflection, will establish an attitude of balancing content with context; and designing the processes that organize the 'traffic' between various layers of information and meaning; mixing media _and_ contexts, even from very diverse sources, thereby enhancing the notion of connectedness of information.
Within the interdisciplinary environment of HKU Masters of Design, Editorial Design holds the position of a 'meta discipline'. It is not solely concerned with (graphic) design for publication media, although that remains a focus, but also looks at editorial structure in any design process and product, from urban signage systems to database management systems, from the design of instrument panels to that of electronic displays, from advertising campaigns to newspaper lay-out, from information graphics to web design.
That is the editorial core of design: the activity of making meaningful links.
Ulteriori informazioni nel sito di Max Bruinsma e in una delle Past Features Icograda.
Alla prossima, Telecom permettendo.
Sviluppo: continuo impavido (in fondo, è una specie di viaggio nel tempo, come tornare a una decina d’anni fa).
Conclusione: questo maHKU mi pare interessante, in particolare il Master in Editorial Design.

If, as Gui Bonsiepe holds, all design is at root interface design, then all design is editorial. For, what is more editorial than turning disparate data into meaningful information, which is what an interface should achieve? In connecting these two terms, editing and interfacing, we define the bias of the pathway Editorial Design as an interdisciplinary course concerned with structuring information for publication media.
In general terms, 'editorial design' is the craft of organizing complex aggregates of information into a meaningful and accessible totality, balancing function (the interface aspect) and aesthetics (the expressive aspect).
The MAHKU programme in Editorial Design offers BA Design graduates a Master course, which provides tools to operate in a professional and critic way. The one year fulltime study is an intensive period where research, action and reflection, will establish an attitude of balancing content with context; and designing the processes that organize the 'traffic' between various layers of information and meaning; mixing media _and_ contexts, even from very diverse sources, thereby enhancing the notion of connectedness of information.
Within the interdisciplinary environment of HKU Masters of Design, Editorial Design holds the position of a 'meta discipline'. It is not solely concerned with (graphic) design for publication media, although that remains a focus, but also looks at editorial structure in any design process and product, from urban signage systems to database management systems, from the design of instrument panels to that of electronic displays, from advertising campaigns to newspaper lay-out, from information graphics to web design.
That is the editorial core of design: the activity of making meaningful links.
Ulteriori informazioni nel sito di Max Bruinsma e in una delle Past Features Icograda.
Alla prossima, Telecom permettendo.
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