complaint-letter generator

Ancora un generatore di testi (vedi precedenti); nella fattispecie, lo Scott Pakin’s automatic complaint-letter generator. Se non sbaglio, devo la segnalazione a WB8 – merci bien!
Qui sotto un risultato che mi riguarda (ma ci si può lamentare anche di una company/organization).
A dire il vero, ne ho scoperti un bel po’ d’altri, più o meno divertenti — provate, ad esempio, i text generators elencati da Communications From Elsewhere.
“I've been hesitating to write this letter, because I've been afraid that, if I did, Prof. Sergio G. Polano would do everything in his power to make me sink into a miasma of doubt and alienation. But after reading about Prof. Polano's pudibund tirades, I could hesitate no longer. You see, I undeniably believe that people who agree with Prof. Polano's perversions are either stupid, drunk, on drugs, paid off by Prof. Polano, or are delirious porn stars. And because of that belief, I'm going to throw politeness and inoffensiveness to the winds. In this letter, I'm going to be as rude and crude as I know how, to reinforce the point that I once had a nightmare in which Prof. Polano was free to rewrite history to reflect or magnify an imaginary "victimhood". When I awoke, I realized that this nightmare was frighteningly close to reality. For instance, to Prof. Polano's mind, a totalitarian dictatorship is the best form of government we could possibly have. So that means that going through the motions of working is the same as working, right? No, not right. The truth is that Prof. Polano likes thinking thoughts that aren't burdensome and that feel good. That's why he is missing not only the point, but also the whole paradigm shift and huge sociological implications. Excuse me; that's not entirely correct. What I meant to say is that the point at which you discover that I, hardheaded cynic that I am, am appalled by the vast generalizations in Prof. Polano's claim that his witticisms are all sweetness and light is not only a moment of disenchantment. It is a moment of resolve, a determination that I want to make this clear, so that those who do not understand deeper messages embedded within sarcastic irony -- and you know who I'm referring to -- can process my point. Here's the heart of the matter: If you can make any sense out Prof. Polano's silly, vengeful litanies, then you must have gotten higher marks in school than I did. Prof. Polano is completely irritating. We all are, to some extent, but he sets the curve. So you see, I believe that it needs to be taken into account that corruption, lying, and hypocrisy are the fundaments of Prof. Sergio G. Polano's principles”.
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