turning the pages

12 capolavori digitalizzati (incluso il più antico libro a stampa datato che si conosca, la Diamond Sutra) nelle collezioni del fantastico sistema di consultazione (audio incluso) online Turning the Pages adottato dalla British Library.
“This page is designed for users with Shockwave version 8.5 already installed, and a modem connection to the Internet. If your computer settings are different, we can load a new version of the page to ensure that you get the best possible experience of Turning the Pages. If you are using a modem running at less than 56k, please note that the Turning the Pages volumes may take several minutes to download and some features may not function immediately.
Turning the Pages uses the Shockwave plug-in. There are also alternative non-Shockwave versions of three of the volumes. More will be added soon”.
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